
Association of Agrarian and Environmental
”The Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers (AAEP) is a civic non-profit with the purpose to promote the development of knowledge of agrarian and environmental law; exchange of experience, knowledge and information between lawyers dealing with agrarian and environmental law; meetings of the members of the association, organization of seminars, conferences and workshops dedicated to specific areas of agrarian, and environmental law; educational and scientific activities in the field of agrarian and environmental law; preparation and implementation of project activities in the field of agrarian and environmental law; scientific activity of students who show interest in agrarian and environmental law.”
Pavol Schwarcz
researcher, AAEP

Chairman of the AAEP
Expert on agrarian law and EU legislation
Author of many scientific publications
Coordinator and researcher in various EU projects
Partner´s experiences from previous EU project is a big advantage of STUD.IO consortium
Anna Bandlerova
researcher, AAEP

Chairman of the AAEP
Expert on agrarian law and EU legislation
Author of many scientific publications
Coordinator and researcher in various EU projects
Partner´s experiences from previous EU project is a big advantage of STUD.IO consortium
Consorzio Tartaruga
The Consorzio Tartaruga (CTA) is made up of various cooperatives, pursuant to art. 8 of law 381/91, in order to support new local welfare policies. The goal of the CTA, constituted by the social cooperative society, is to create a social network that represents a new way of being an active part of new social policies, close to the citizens and protect the most vulnerable population.
Slovenska Polnohospodarska Univerzita V
Slovak University in Nitra comprises 6 faculties which provide education within 3 cycles of study (BSc. degree, MSc. degree, and PhD. degree). The STUD.IO project is implemented by Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development (FESRD) with the support of experts from other SUA faculties. FESRD is the university’s youngest faculty with experience and expertise in regional development and rural. FESRD specialists operate not only as field training providers, but also as professionals conducting training, consultancy, seminars and conferences and therefore have the experience and skills needed to work with young people.
Sorangeli Trans SRL
Sorangeli Trans SRL is a Romanian private consultancy company based in Bucharest, established in 2006 with the main objective to deliver technical and organizational assistance to social services providers and to assist other partners in drafting and implementing applications for national grants or European projects. According to the organization’s strategy its intervention is focused on key sectors, mainly education, employment, social inclusion of disadvantaged categories, school to work-life transition, equal opportunities, entrepreneurship, active civic participation etc.
Unione Assessorati
Unione degli Assessorati is a non-profit organisation, created in 2005 by a group of Municipalities. Today it has more than 32 local authorities (municipalities) in Sicily and it is recognized by the Sicilian Region and aims to support members in drafting and managing innovative projects, implementing alternative solutions to address specific challenges social, economic and environmental, but also to support members with studies and research focused on local development, local government, good governance and active citizenship.
Università degli Studi di Enna Kore
The Free University of Enna “Kore” (UKE) is an Italian university based in Enna. It is the fourth University founded in Sicily, an active member of the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) and of the CRUS (Regional Coordination of Sicilian Universities). UKE has relationships with many foreign universities, especially in European countries. There are three Faculties in the UKE, housing 16 Undergraduate Courses, 2 Doctoral Schools and several Masters. The Faculties offer courses in Archaeology, Architecture, Economics, Law, Engineering, Foreign Languages, Psychology, Pedagogy, Physical Education and Sports.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialized in the fields of engineering, architecture and science. The UPC puts its scientific and technological infrastructure at the service of research groups and centers, researchers and students, professionals, companies and institutions.
The Urbanism Laboratory of Barcelona (LUB) is a Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) research center assigned to the ETSAB Urban Planning Department. Since 2004 it is a UPC Consolidated Research Group under the ‘Observatory of urban cities’ program. Growth forms and urban morphology are its main areas of study, adding the Barcelona modern development, the theory and practice of the urban project and the urbanism teaching into the world.
Universitatea din București
The University of Bucharest is Romania’s largest academic center and adheres to the principles of academic integrity and critical thinking. The University is one of the leading institutions of higher education in South-Eastern Europe in general, actively contributing to the scientific community through research and teaching, the development and use of knowledge. UB offers a variety of study programmes, from bachelor’s degrees to doctoral programmes, as well as Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+ programmes. The Faculty of UB’s Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPES) offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 5 departments: Psychology, Educational Sciences, Special Education, Teacher Training – Initial teacher education in pre-school and primary education, Initial and Continuing teacher education in secondary education.

Erasmus+ Project STUD.IO Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079833
Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed belong to the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them